The light bulb in my son's room has been burnt out for about two weeks now. Every time I go in there I think how much I wish my hubby would change the light. But, as soon as the thought enters my mind, it finds it's way back out. I have forgotten 7 times a day for two weeks to simply ask him to go in there and change that ceiling fan light bulb. I know he would if I ask, I have about a bazillion other things rolling around in my mind, and forget about this one when we sit down to talk.
This reminds me how easy it is to loose sight of our needs as mothers and wives. Especially when there has been a huge transition such as a newborn entering the scene. As we run from feeding one child to the other, dash to do the dishes, and turn around to do that third load of laundry for the week, while also trying to find time to get in 20 hours of work (even if it is working from home), it is really easy to lose sight of the fact that though we may think we are a step above Superman himself, we just might have needs too.
I need to hear that I'm appreciated, I need to be allowed to sit for 10 minutes without anyone demanding anything of me, I need to be listened to, I need to sit in silence, I need time with the Lord.
If you are a new mother or not, if you've gone through a transition or major change in life or if you just feel like you are working to survive this life, take a minute to "check the light bulbs" of your heart. Though we often think about the things that we might need to keep going, we often put them on the back burner and forget about them in the daily grind.
Don't be afraid to bring these needs to the Lord. He is the master electrician of the wiring of our hearts. He is more than able to bring light to whatever has gone out. Whether literal bulbs, or time alone, our creator knows what we need. He is our creator and sustainer, and he wants to give us rest.
By the way, my dear husband did discover the light bulb on his own yesterday and informed me that it's OK to ask for help, in fact he encouraged it. :) The Lords doing? Yeah, I pretty much think so. He takes care of me, even if it is just a light bulb!