And He will give you a peace that surpasses all understanding...
It’s amazing to look back over the past month and marvel at the work of God’s hands on my heart. A few short weeks ago I could not fathom allowing this precious foster baby to leave our home one day. The uncertainty of it all for her sake, the fear of what it might mean for her to go back home, and also the longing of my own heart to have a daughter. Yet here we are on this fostering adventure having to trust God’s plan. To “lean not on our own understanding”. I realize how the things that I can see from here are not even a fraction of what God can see from His awesome all-encompassing view from there.
I finally trust that no matter what His plan is for this little bundle of joy, whether it is for us to one day adopt her, or if we are called to love on her, pray for her and allow her to go; there is a deep peace that is settling in my soul. A peace that surpasses all understanding. I can not explain it any other way than to say it’s a gift from God. And what an awesome gift it is.
Whatever you are going through today, whatever storm you are facing I challenge you to seek this peace. Ask Him and be amazed at what He will do. As I explained to my other children tonight before bed, God is just waiting to bless us. He loves to give his children good and perfect gifts.
I know there is a challenging road ahead on this journey. I’m just thankful that along the way I can grasp the hand of the one who gives my heart peace.
“And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” ~ Philippians 4:7
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” ~ Proverbs 3:5-6
Thank you to all of my wonderful friends and family who have been praying. Our little bug appreciates it more than you'll ever know. Thank you for being a part of her life story.