Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Slow down Mommy, you’re going too fast. Slow down Mommy, I don’t understand. Slow down Mommy my feet are little, my brain is still growing, and my heart is desperately trying to catch up.

As a Mom of 4 children ages 3 to 13, I often feel as if the majority of my day is spent in effort to speed my children up. Come on, come on, come on! There is so much frustration in my soul. How I wish I could just teach my heart to slow down and become un-rushed. 

My book ends are my more speedy children. At 3 years old and 13 years old, they tend to talk fast, they love to run and move. They fidgit while they talk and use their whole bodies to tell a story. They think quickly and are definite opportunists. My two middle children operate at a much slower pace. They both tend to stop and literally smell the roses. They speak with more intentional, often labored speech. They remind me to slow down and breathe. My middle son is so incredibly diligent, and hardly ever makes a mistake in his schoolwork. He is purposeful. My middle daughter loves to color. She colors in each and every line on the page.

On this 11th day of December I am taking a break from the hustle-bustle of the holiday season to be still, to be intentional and slow down.  In this stillness, I am appreciating the slower-paced qualities of my middles. I could learn alot from them, If only I would slow down and let them teach me. 

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